Upcoming, is my Brand-New #Book! I'm excited about this one, because #Magicians of all abilities and experience will get something from the myriad of #Tricks and #illusions contained within it! From a little-known #gimmick and utility item, (The Miracle Card Gimmick) which will enable you to completely and easily vanish a selected card from the pack, to "Double Indemnity", an original and invisible device that will cleanly make you look like a card pro so that you can cut to the four aces without thinking, as well as secretly keeping track of a spectator's selected card! Some of my previously published effects (in magicians' trade journals) such as "Clipped", and "The Curry Open Prediction", (which will easily have you match your prediction to a spectator's freely-selected card) are also here! I've included the method for the Miniature Rising Card, ("Haunted, Floating Mini") which like a possessed mini-pack, wriggles and jiggles, then flips over and stands up, releasing a selected-card from within the box, which may be performed close-up and/or for platform-work, as well as a sophisticated double-pack/order-matching effect, also suitable for the now-popular platform venues!
Of course, I've included invaluable and practical observations as well, which magicians of all ages will find useful, or as crucial reminders for those who already have gone down the road of being professional, working magicians.
You'll LOVE my forty years of experience, crammed into this hardcover, and paperback book, containing magic that YOU WILL USE!
Coming soon to Amazon...