Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Now Available on Amazon

Herein are contained Mentalism routines (specifically of the "Two-Person," Clairvoyance variety) that I've used extensively and regularly, with the assistance of my magic student, Cheryl, for presentation on several Zoom Magic shows, twice-a-week, for approximately a year.
Because of the nature of the two shows, I had the opportunity to present one version of a particular routine on a Wednesday, then an apparent re-working and "perfecting" of it the following Tuesday, then a brand-new one the following Wednesday, with a so-called "perfection" of it presented the following Tuesday, and so forth; therefore, much thought and practice (with the focus and emphasis on the effect on the audience, and their responses) have been greatly taken into account. The audiences have consisted mainly of magicians, therefore, if their responses were particularly positive, (as we tend to be, as magicians, somewhat blasé and cynical) the reasons (pacing, routines, secrets, etc.) were duly noted.
Recently, at a lecture I was asked to present for a local magicians' club, as well as several other dinners and gatherings of another local magic club, I've had the opportunity to present some of these "Experiments of the Mind" with Cheryl calling in long-distance from New Hampshire, on speaker-phone, (I am in Vancouver, Canada) our routines garnering great responses, and in the case of the lecture, we actually fooled them!
These are effects (I call them, "Experiments") which utilize slates, blindfolds, billets/pieces of paper, playing cards, markers, envelopes, photographs, and other everyday, ordinary-looking-objects available almost everywhere.
One more point: the secrets to all of these routines are "old-school", so-to-speak, in the same vein as the Pittingtons, Annemann, Dunninger, and Kreskin, and require absolutely no expensive electronics whatsoever, yet produce the same impact on an audience as if state-of-the-art devices were used!
In this spirit, (so-to-speak) I am sharing with the magic community, my forty years of professional magic experience, our Two-Person Telepathy routines, which have fooled many, (via Zoom) and even more through our in-person presentations, with Cheryl via long-distance phone call. I really think we are on to something!
Now you can be, as well!
Enjoy these labors of love!