Wednesday, February 26, 2025

OMMT February 26th, 2025

On tonight's Open Mic Magic Theatre, my Partner-in-Magic, Cheryl Hayes and Mikayla Lynn performed an Experiment of the Mind involving a trip through a grocery store, with the help of Holly! Thank you Kevin Peel and Robin Byers-Pierce for including me in tonight's amazing line-up!

Now Available on Amazon

Herein are contained Mentalism routines (specifically of the "Two-Person," Clairvoyance variety) that I've used extensively and regularly, with the assistance of my magic student, Cheryl, for presentation on several Zoom Magic shows, twice-a-week, for approximately a year.
Because of the nature of the two shows, I had the opportunity to present one version of a particular routine on a Wednesday, then an apparent re-working and "perfecting" of it the following Tuesday, then a brand-new one the following Wednesday, with a so-called "perfection" of it presented the following Tuesday, and so forth; therefore, much thought and practice (with the focus and emphasis on the effect on the audience, and their responses) have been greatly taken into account. The audiences have consisted mainly of magicians, therefore, if their responses were particularly positive, (as we tend to be, as magicians, somewhat blasé and cynical) the reasons (pacing, routines, secrets, etc.) were duly noted.
Recently, at a lecture I was asked to present for a local magicians' club, as well as several other dinners and gatherings of another local magic club, I've had the opportunity to present some of these "Experiments of the Mind" with Cheryl calling in long-distance from New Hampshire, on speaker-phone, (I am in Vancouver, Canada) our routines garnering great responses, and in the case of the lecture, we actually fooled them!
These are effects (I call them, "Experiments") which utilize slates, blindfolds, billets/pieces of paper, playing cards, markers, envelopes, photographs, and other everyday, ordinary-looking-objects available almost everywhere.
One more point: the secrets to all of these routines are "old-school", so-to-speak, in the same vein as the Pittingtons, Annemann, Dunninger, and Kreskin, and require absolutely no expensive electronics whatsoever, yet produce the same impact on an audience as if state-of-the-art devices were used!
In this spirit, (so-to-speak) I am sharing with the magic community, my forty years of professional magic experience, our Two-Person Telepathy routines, which have fooled many, (via Zoom) and even more through our in-person presentations, with Cheryl via long-distance phone call. I really think we are on to something!
Now you can be, as well!
Enjoy these labors of love!


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Coming Soon to Amazon


Herein are contained Mentalism routines (specifically of the "Two-Person," Clairvoyance variety) that I've used extensively and regularly, with the assistance of my magic student, Cheryl Hayes, (Now, my award-winning Partner-in-Magic) for presentation on several Zoom Magic shows, twice-a-week, for approximately a year.
Because of the nature of the two shows, I had the opportunity to present one version of a particular routine on a Wednesday, then an apparent re-working and "perfecting" of it the following Tuesday, then a brand-new one the following Wednesday, with a so-called "perfection" of it presented the following Tuesday, and so forth; therefore, much thought and practice (with the focus and emphasis on the effect on the audience, and their responses) have been greatly taken into account. The audiences have consisted mainly of magicians, therefore, if their responses were particularly positive, (as we tend to be, as magicians, somewhat blasé and cynical) the reasons (pacing, routines, secrets, etc.) were duly noted.
Recently, at a lecture I was asked to present for a local magicians' club, as well as several other dinners and gatherings of another local magic club, I've had the opportunity to present some of these "Experiments of the Mind" with Cheryl calling in long-distance from New Hampshire, on speaker-phone, (I am in Vancouver, Canada) our routines garnering great responses, and in the case of the lecture, we actually fooled them!
These are effects (I call them, "Experiments") which utilize slates, blindfolds, billets/pieces of paper, playing cards, markers, envelopes, photographs, and other everyday, ordinary-looking-objects available almost everywhere.
One more point: the secrets to all of these routines are "old-school", so-to-speak, in the same vein as the Pittingtons, Annemann, Dunninger, and Kreskin, and require absolutely no expensive electronics whatsoever, yet produce the same impact on an audience as if state-of-the-art devices were used!
In this spirit, (so-to-speak) I am sharing with the magic community, my forty years of professional magic experience, our Two-Person Telepathy routines, which have fooled many, (via Zoom) and even more through our in-person presentations, with Cheryl via long-distance phone call. I really think we are on to something!
Now you can be, as well!

Monday, February 24, 2025

Magical People Live-Joseph McGrail Bateup-Promo

Here Ye, Here Ye! Joseph Mcgrail-bateup is our guest on Saturday's Magical People Live, March 1st! Catch the livestream here, on my FB page: majick.mike.likey at 1 (L.A.)/4 (N.Y.)/9 (U.K.)
or enjoy the pre and after-chat by getting your Zoom link here:

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Magical People Live-Mike Shaw

Mike Shaw, magician, was our special guest on tonight's Magical People Live.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Friday, March 7th


Wow! Two weeks from tomorrow, Friday March 7th!
Some of the world's greatest magicians, featuring Paul Abbey, (U.K.) Peterjon, (U.K.) Strange Gambits, (myself, Canada, and Cheryl Hayes, U.S.A.) John the Great, (U.K.) Robina the Enchantress, (Robin Byers-Pierce, U.S.) Tommy Burnett, (U.S.) and Kevin Peel. (U.K.)
1 (L.A.)/4 (N.Y.)/9 (U.K.)
Livestreams to my FB page, majick.mike.likey or better yet, join the pre and after-show chat by securing your Zoom link here:

Canadian Magic Monthly News- February-March 2025

The Canadian Magic Monthly News Report for February-March 2025

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

An Experiment in Spiritism

An experiment in spiritism on tonight's Open Mic Magic Theatre!
My partner in magic, Cheryl Hayes and Mikayla Lynn participated in the manifesting (with the help of the spirits...?) of a particular word, randomly selected by audience-member Micah Cover and which subsequently, inexplicably and mysteriously appeared upon our slates! Thank you Robin Byers-Pierce and Kevin Peel for allowing us to conduct this experiment tonight!

Monday, February 17, 2025

Mike Shaw Will Be My Guest on Saturday's Magical People Live

Mike Shaw, Magician, is my guest on the next Magical People Live! Enjoy the livestream on my FB page, magic.mike.likey at 1 (L.A.)/4 (N.Y.)/9 (U.K.) or join our Zoom virtual audience to enjoy the pre and post-show banter!
Get your Zoom link  here:

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Lon Mandrake Guested on Tonight's Magical People Live

The legendary Leon Mandrake was my guest on tonight's Magical People Live! Learn about his dad, who toured and inspired the famous Mandrake comics, and watch vintage videos of the father and the son's performances. Thank you, my award-winning Co-Host Cheryl Hayes, for your splendid Co-Hosting, as well as thought-reading skills. Our roving reporter-at-medium Kevin Peel also shared his perspective at the world's largest magic convention, Blackpool! A must-watch indeed! Thank you Tommy Burnett for assisting with an experiment of the mind!

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Open Mic Magic Theatre-February 12th, 2025

My award-winning Partner in Magic, Cheryl Hayes and I were tasked with successfully predicting a random number and playing card selected by audience-member Micah Cover; did we succeed? Thank you Kevin Peel and Robin Byers-Pierce for including us in tonight's Open Mic Magic Theatre

Monday, February 10, 2025

LON MANDRAKE Guests on the Next Magical People Live

Wow! We have Leon Mandrake on Saturday's Magical People Live! If you are a fan of Mandrake the Magician, you'll love meeting Lon! (Leon) Watch it livestreaming here on my Facebook page: majick.mike.likey at 1:00 p.m. (L.A.)/4:00 p.m. (N.Y.)/9:00 p.m. (U.K.)
Want to chat with him after the show? Get your Zoom seat here:

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Magical People Live-Sarah Kay



My Co-Host Cheryl Hayes and I welcomed Tarot card reader Sarah Kay to Magical People Live tonight!
Fascinating and informative, Sarah also assisted in an experiment of the mind that Cheryl and I performed! Check it out!

Dr. Michael's Friday Night Wizard Emporium-February 7th, 2025

Ari Rose The Magical Ms. Charley Micah Cover Peterjon Rorwson Myself with Cheryl Hayes John Greenwood (John the Great) Robin Byers-Pierce (Robina the Enchantress) Tommy Burnett Kevin Peel all performed on tonight's Friday Night Wizard Emporium! Check it out here!

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Friday, February 7th, 2025

THIS FRIDAY, Feb. 7th! Featuring some of the world's greatest magicians! 1:00 p.m. (L.A.)/4:00 p.m. (N.Y.)/9:00 p.m. (U.K.) Free Zoom Seat Here: or watch the livestream on my FB page here: majick.mike.likey Ari Rose The Magical Ms. Charley Micah Cover Peterjon Rorwson Myself with Cheryl Hayes John Greenwood (John the Great) Robin Byers-Pierce (Robina the Enchantress) Tommy Burnett Kevin Peel

Sarah Kay is My Guest on the Next Magical People Live

Tarot Reader Extraordinaire Sarah Kay ( is our guest all the way from the U.K.! You'll LOVE her! Check her out on the next Magical People Live 1:00 p.m. (L.A.)/4:00 p.m. (N.Y.)/ 9:00 p.m. (U.K.) Livestreams to my Facebook page: majick.mike.likey Get your EXCLUSIVE and FREE Zoom seat here:

Saturday, February 1, 2025