Thursday, April 6, 2023

The Miniature Spirit Cabinet: Sefalaljia

"The Sefalaljia" (Miniature Spirit Cabinet) is just one of many Illusions I discuss in my BRAND-NEW HARDCOVER book, BIZZARRE! DR. MICHAEL'S BOOK OF SHADOWS! All of the Illusions that I discuss in the book have been tried, tested, and performed by myself in venues such as Science World, Vancouver, Canada, in Anthony Darkstone​'s Gala Shows, as well as in Kevin Peel​'s Tuesday Night Magic Theater​, and Open Mic Magic Show Supporters​. It's a must-read! Just LOOK at the list of effects:

*Sefalaljia (Just mentioned)

*The Ghost Cabinet

*E.S.P. Cards & Crystal Ball

*The Tarot & The Hand of Fate

*Coins Through Miniature Table

*The Legend of the Vampire

*Time Transcended 

*Skull & Crow Mystic Revelation

*Ghostly Revelation/Rising Cards

*Table Tilting/Floating Table

*The Haunted Key

*The Anxiety Factor

*Commercial or for Magicians?

*More Ideas

Get your copy on #Amazon here: