"The Sefalaljia" (Miniature Spirit Cabinet) is just one of many Illusions I discuss in my BRAND-NEW HARDCOVER book, BIZZARRE! DR. MICHAEL'S BOOK OF SHADOWS! All of the Illusions that I discuss in the book have been tried, tested, and performed by myself in venues such as Science World, Vancouver, Canada, in Anthony Darkstone's Gala Shows, as well as in Kevin Peel's Tuesday Night Magic Theater, and Open Mic Magic Show Supporters. It's a must-read! Just LOOK at the list of effects:
*Sefalaljia (Just mentioned)
*The Ghost Cabinet
*E.S.P. Cards & Crystal Ball
*The Tarot & The Hand of Fate
*Coins Through Miniature Table
*The Legend of the Vampire
*Time Transcended
*Skull & Crow Mystic Revelation
*Ghostly Revelation/Rising Cards
*Table Tilting/Floating Table
*The Haunted Key
*The Anxiety Factor
*Commercial or for Magicians?
*More Ideas
Get your copy on #Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C1DV38NM?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860