Friday, December 30, 2022

Yet Another Photo


Another photo from my performance yesterday (December 29th) at #ScienceWorldVancouver There were a lot more "experiments"/tricks, however cropping out assistants from the audience was nearly impossible in the case of these other photos. Note: I've cropped out my assistants from the audience from these pics! It was a full house, that was enthusiastic, responsive and appreciative! I call this experiment "The Tarot and the Hand of Fate".

Photo Dump


Photo dump: SOME photos from my performance yesterday (December 29th) at #ScienceWorldVancouver There were a lot more "experiments"/tricks, however cropping out assistants from the audience was nearly impossible in the case of these other photos. Note: I've cropped out my assistants from the audience from these pics! It was a full house, and very responsive and appreciative!

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Tomorrow: Friday


#ScienceWorldVancouver: All magic shows are free with paid admission to Science World #Assembly95 of #TheSocietyOfAmericanMagicians are performing all week! I performed today, (Thursday) and it was a BLAST! Here's to my fantastic audience, who received my show with enthusiasm, laughs, amazement, and applause! Special shout out to the techies. who make us look (and sound) good! Thank-you Leon Mandrake for taking care of me, and showing me where the stage and green room were, and for your overall professionalism and exceptional organizational skills! I'll be posting pics in the next day or so of my show/presentation.
Here is Friday's schedule:
December 30, 2022 Friday
Roaming performers: 1:00 till 5:00 P.M.
Henry Tom, Ray Wong, Lon Mandrake
Stage performer: 1:00 P.M.
Alex Zander
Stage performer: 4:00 P.M.
Reg Donnelly
Center Stage performer: 2:20 P.M.
Michael Glennister
Schedule subject to change without notice.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Tomorrow (Thursday)


Coming up tomorrow, Thursday December 29th, I'll be performing my show in the theatre of #ScienceWorldVancouver at 1:00 PM. All magic shows are free with paid admission to Science World. I'm proud to be performing with the high-caliber magicians from #Assembly95 of #TheSocietyOfAmericanMagicians.

Here is Thursday's schedule:
December 29, 2022 Thursday
Roaming performers: 1:00 till 5:00 P.M.
Billy Hseuh, Kelvin Ng, Rick Mearns
Stage performer: 1:00 P.M.
Dr. Michael Likey (myself)
Stage performer: 4:00 P.M.
Center Stage performer: 2:20 P.M.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Dr. Michael's Experiments of the Mind-Promo

A little preview of my December 19th 1:00 PM show at Science World (Vancouver, Canada)...

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

The Magic of the Season


It's EXCITING! Vancouver comes alive with the MAGIC of the season, as my compeers from Assembly 95 of The Society of American Magicians put on stage shows and walk-around magic from December 27th-January 2nd, ALL DAY from 1-5! I'll be on December 29th at 1:00 PM, so if you're in the Vancouver (Canada) area, come on down with your whole family and enjoy the MAGIC at beautiful SCIENCE WORLD! Watch for the FULL SCHEDULE soon!

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Happy Hannukah

For those of us who'll be lighting the first candle at sunset, let's take a moment to ponder the miracle and mystery of the oil that kept the darkness illuminated then, now and forever. Others of us may also welcome the return of the Light after December 21st. So mote it be!

Friday, December 16, 2022

Science World

It's confirmed! I'll be performing at #scienceworldvancouver December 29th at 1:00 PM! My compeers from #SAM95 #societyofamericanmagicians will be performing there as well on other days/times. If you get the chance, come out and see me!

Saturday, December 10, 2022

December 2022 Magic News Network


Via Anthony Darkstone:
Here it is, the December MNN. Another splendid job via Michael Likey. Thank you to all those who kindly gave of their time & talent thus helping to create cheer , joy & Magic all over the world. Please Post and/or email the Link to all your Magical & lay-people friends. We all could do with a some extra cheer, joy & wonderful Magic.

Sunday, December 4, 2022


Any card at any branch?
Absolutely! Wait until you see the December Magic News Network. It is replete with Magical cards & Stars from all over the world. For viewing later this week. Stay tuned.
Visual credits: John O'Riordan & Michael Likey

Thursday, December 1, 2022