Host Mandy Davis is excited to introduce you to Paul Regan.
Who is Paul Regan?
Paul came (relatively) late to magic but, with a background in performance, it wasn’t long before he was making money at the world famous Magic Corner in London’s Covent Garden. Since then he has performed in all manner of places - from the usual clubs, bars, and parties, to his one man show ‘Illusions of Depression’ which was staged at Fringe Shows around the country, winning excellent reviews and allowing Paul the chance to play with, and in some cases subvert, the themes and ideas that surround the magical craft.
Having previously worked in rights advocacy, as well as personal experience involving mental health issues and learning difficulties, Paul strongly advocates for equality within magic. A passionate believer in magic’s ability to bring out the best in all of us, Paul enjoys continually seeking ways to focus on and improve the enjoyment of each routine for the public.
Paul's lecture, 'A Magician's Choice', looks at some of the fundamental choices magicians make concerning their magic and style. He may not provide a lot of answers, but he does try to create a lot of useful questions.
Join Paul Regan and host Mandy Davis Wednesday September 21 at 8pm UK 3pm Eastern for v1.3