Friday, September 30, 2022
Monday, September 26, 2022
From Wiley Allen:
"Everyone needs to get Michael Likey’s new book Ghosts & Spirits right now!I just got mine delivered and just from a five minute skim I have read more valuable information on performing bizarre style magic than from pretty much any other book I have read so far.
Everything from your mindset to costumes to preparation is in here.
Not to be missed."
Thursday, September 22, 2022
World Magic Convention Promo
The World Magic Convention is an online event with 5 superb lecturers from the Magic and Entertainment industry together with a selection of fantastic Dealers, WMC Moments and Workshops.
The event is on the 24th September 2022 and commences at 1 pm London time with the final lecture
starting at 10 pm London time/ 2:00 p.m. PT/5:00 p.m. ET
The Event is hosted by Joseph McGrail-Bateup host of the weekly Facebook show “The No-Name Trivia Show”.
The Event will NOT be recorded as the event is an online experience with not just lectures. We have chat rooms to hang out and meet your friends and dealer rooms where you can meet and chat with our dealers and see demonstrations.
There's still time to register for this groundbreaking global event!
I'll be participating in WMC Magic Moments:
Anthony Darkstone will be sharing his wisdom:
Thank-you Kevin Peel!
Book Tour
Book tour in support of #GhostsAndSpirits Oct. 12th-Nov. 16th.
Both magicians and lay-people alike are buying my latest book, and I'm really thankful! Not that I get rich from my book sales, but rather because I have the opportunity (when publishing my hardcover and paperback books on #Amazon) to share information that might otherwise either go unnoticed, or be inaccessible.
When writing this one, I had no specific agenda, except to share what I know up to this point in my life about cults, techniques/deception (often times innocent and ignorant self-delusion) in the New Age genre, as well as legitimate and well-intentioned people in the realm of metaphysics and the mystical.
This book is not for all magicians, nor is it necessarily intended for all mystics and psychics, because I'm basically a SCEPTIC at heart, and until something is PROVEN to me to be empirically real, I don't believe it nor promote it. Everything I have ever offered in the past is because it's been proven to me to work, and to be of benefit to others. This holds true for me today for everything I do and offer, as well.
And now, from the Foreword, written by Anthony Darkstone, President of the International Assembly of #TheSocietyOfAmericanMagicians:
I am pleased to provide a foreword to another of Dr. Michael Likey's books.
The title, at first glance, may seem like a treatise on just a topic. However, the book goes much deeper than that and explores in detail some of the practices involved on how certain aspects of contact are made with Spirits & Ghosts. It makes no claims of Ghosts & Spirits being just the figment of one's imagination; neither does it make a case to the contrary. What it does do is to provide the reader with a superb collection of facts and relevant information. In particular, the section on Cold Reading provides several insights. An added bonus is that the entire work stimulates thinking.
A scholarly work on the topic. It contains many practical and theoretical aspects of this intriguing subject. Being a skilled Author, he yet again achieves this by the use of his vast knowledge of techniques both ancient & modern. He further draws from his own empirical experience as a Tarot Reader, Tai Chi Sifu, TV personality and Magical Entertainer.
All in all a fascinating read for aficionados, true seekers and indeed also for the merely curious. I daresay if Houdini, the Fox sisters , Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and others of their ilk were alive today they would certainly enjoy this work.
Dr. Anthony Darkstone
Parapsychologist & Psychic Entertainer
Member of The S.A.M. Paranormal Investigation Committee.
Available in #Hardcover and #Paperback from #Amazon:
Sunday, September 18, 2022
Wednesday on v1.3
Host Mandy Davis is excited to introduce you to Paul Regan.
Who is Paul Regan?
Paul came (relatively) late to magic but, with a background in performance, it wasn’t long before he was making money at the world famous Magic Corner in London’s Covent Garden. Since then he has performed in all manner of places - from the usual clubs, bars, and parties, to his one man show ‘Illusions of Depression’ which was staged at Fringe Shows around the country, winning excellent reviews and allowing Paul the chance to play with, and in some cases subvert, the themes and ideas that surround the magical craft.
Having previously worked in rights advocacy, as well as personal experience involving mental health issues and learning difficulties, Paul strongly advocates for equality within magic. A passionate believer in magic’s ability to bring out the best in all of us, Paul enjoys continually seeking ways to focus on and improve the enjoyment of each routine for the public.
Paul's lecture, 'A Magician's Choice', looks at some of the fundamental choices magicians make concerning their magic and style. He may not provide a lot of answers, but he does try to create a lot of useful questions.
Join Paul Regan and host Mandy Davis Wednesday September 21 at 8pm UK 3pm Eastern for v1.3
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Friday, September 9, 2022
TODAY! The ONE HOUR, FAN FAVORITE version, Season 3 of #MagicalPeople! This month's show features Ariel Frailich and Chris Herren As Faust ! Magicians and non-magicians alike will love this!
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Honored to Participate in This
Micah Cover's 18th Annual Night of the Raven Wednesday, 11/30/22 8 PM Loft Ensemble L.A.
Starring (so far):
Thank you

Bree & LE for giving us a home

Benefit for AFSP
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Magic News Network-September 2022
Here is the September 2022 Edition of The Magic News Network, Presented by Yours Truly, and featuring Script and Research by #AnthonyDarkstone, President of The International Assembly (272) of The Society of American Magicians.
Monday, September 5, 2022
Starting #Friday The ONE HOUR, FAN FAVORITE version, Season 3 of #MagicalPeople! This month's show features Ariel Frailich and Chris Herren As Faust! Magicians and non-magicians alike will love this!
Friday, September 2, 2022
Coming Soon
The #September 2022 Edition of #TheMagicNewsNetwork marks the ninth time that I have had the honor of presenting it to you! It also marks the ninth time that I have collaborated with the researcher/script-writer #AnthonyDarkstone, who is also the President of The International Assembly (#272) of The Society of American Magicians. I can truly say that this upcoming one is our best thus far! Coming Soon...
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