Friday, August 12, 2022

Coming Soon to Amazon


I'm excited to announce the debut shortly on #Amazon of my brand-new book, "Ghosts and Spirits" in hardcover and paperback. Here is the Foreword, written by #AnthonyDarkstone:
I am pleased to provide a foreword to another of Dr. Michael Likey's books.
The title, at first glance, may seem like a treatise on just a topic. However, the book goes much deeper than that and explores in detail some of the practices involved on how certain aspects of contact are made with Spirits & Ghosts. It makes no claims of Ghosts & Spirits being just the figment of one's imagination; neither does it make a case to the contrary. What it does do is to provide the reader with a superb collection of facts and relevant information. In particular, the section on Cold Reading provides several insights. An added bonus is that the entire work stimulates thinking.
A scholarly work on the topic. It contains many practical and theoretical aspects of this intriguing subject. Being a skilled Author, he yet again achieves this by the use of his vast knowledge of techniques both ancient & modern. He further draws from his own empirical experience as a Tarot Reader, Tai Chi Sifu, TV personality and Magical Entertainer.
All in all a fascinating read for aficionados, true seekers and indeed also for the merely curious. I daresay if Houdini, the Fox sisters , Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and others of their ilk were alive today they would certainly enjoy this work.

Dr. Anthony Darkstone
Parapsychologist & Psychic Entertainer
Member of The S.A.M. Paranormal Investigation Committee.