An honour for me to have received these comments from such illustrious gentlemen!
“Dr. Michael Likey brings to The Art of Magic not only a sartorial elegance but also decades of quintessential experience. This has been amply demonstrated in his TV appearances, live performances and the content of the masterful work in his book, "Metaphysics, Mysticism & Performance Magic" to which I was pleased to write the Foreword. Having worked with him on numerous occasions I can unreservedly attest to the meticulous detail and quality of his performances."-Anthony Darkstone, President, The Society of American Magicians International Assembly.
“I really enjoyed seeing The Floating Table”. Very similar to my father’s performance of it.”-Lon Mandrake, President of The Society of American Magicians, (Assembly 95) and son of the internationally renowned magician, Leon Mandrake.
“Thank-you for the interview, Mike. I am very pleased on how it turned out. You did an excellent job conducting the interview with me, and putting everything together into such an interesting and engaging magical episode! It is indeed my honor to be on your fantastic show!”-Rod Chow, National 1st Vice-President and President Elect, The Society of American Magicians.
Thank-you Anthony Darkstone, Rod Chow, and Leon Mandrake