Sunday, October 31, 2021
Dr Michael's Emporium of Wonder and Illusion-Show 6
Another Hardcover From Amazon

Friday, October 29, 2021
Hardcover Now Available!
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Houdini Seance

Dr. Michael's One-Minute Magic Moment-ZOOM VS. IN-PERSON
Magic commentary by Dr. Michael. Sometimes funny, sometimes controversial, always informative!
Dr. Michael is a Member of The Magic Circle, the Canadian Envoy for the Society of American Magicians International Assembly, and On-Air Host/Producer of The Canadian Magic Monthly News. He starred in his own television show for 9 years, and performed more than 250 magic-shows a year for a dozen years.
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Via Anthony Darkstone -President of The S.A.M. International Assembly. Exclusive and direct from the Chamber of Mysteries on the Mystical island of Malta. A special one-time exclusive Show featuring a few fascinating numbers taken from the full New Halloween Show including a stunning Houdini effect. Produced especially for Zoom by the S.A.M. International Assembly and 9 of Spades Productions in collaboration with The Chamber of Mysteries Show. Starring Brian Role' & Lola Palmer. Hosted by Anthony Darkstone
WITHIN THE CHAMBER 29th of October – ‘Within The Chamber’ Halloween Special Zoom Show 2:30PM (Eastern Time) | 8:30PM (Malta Time) | 7:30PM (UK Time) No Charge; however, you do need to register to get the Zoom Link. On a First Come First Served Basis!! You don't want to miss this. PS: No charge. However, if you wish to donate $4, £4 or €4 please do so directly via Paypal to: - A charity in Malta for 4 legged creatures. Every little bit, no matter how small, does help. Thank you.
M.U.M. Review
Here's the review of a show I was in recently, written by incredible author #RodChow for the latest M.U.M. magazine, the official publication of The Society of American Magicians! One image is the complete article, the other image is the write-up of my segment of the show! Thank-you #AnthonyDarkstone for producing the show and including me in this line-up of stars!
Monday, October 25, 2021
Lance Burton!

Sunday, October 24, 2021
Dr. Michael's Emporium of Wonder and Illusion-Show 5
Featuring (in every show) magic, (in many shows) my animated featurette
"The Adventures of Young Magic Mike's Castle", (and in other shows)
my game-show "Abracadabra", Enjoy!
Saturday, October 23, 2021
Today's Podcast
You watched the #Webcast, now here's the #Podcast on #Applepodcasts: Dr. Michael's One-Minute Moment: Artistic VS. Commercial
Friday, October 22, 2021
Dr. Michael's One-Minute Magic Moment-ARTISTIC VS. COMMERCIAL
Magic commentary by Dr. Michael. Sometimes funny, sometimes controversial, always informative!
Dr. Michael is a Member of The Magic Circle, the Canadian Envoy for the Society of American Magicians International Assembly, and On-Air Host/Producer of The Canadian Magic Monthly News. He starred in his own television show for 9 years, and performed more than 250 magic-shows a year for a dozen years.
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Monday, October 18, 2021
The Darkstone Dossiers

Sunday, October 17, 2021
Dr Michael's Emporium of Wonder and Illusion-Show 4
Dr Michael's Emporium of Wonder and Illusion-Show 4
Saturday, October 16, 2021

Friday, October 15, 2021
Today's Podcast
Thursday, October 14, 2021
Dr. Michael's One-Minute Magic Moment-BUYING MAGIC
Magic commentary by Dr. Michael. Sometimes funny, sometimes controversial, always informative!
Dr. Michael is a Member of The Magic Circle, the Canadian Envoy for the Society of American Magicians International Assembly, and On-Air Host/Producer of The Canadian Magic Monthly News. He starred in his own television show for 9 years, and performed more than 250 magic-shows a year for a dozen years.
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Newly Updated!
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Dr. Michael (Magic Mike) Likey Guests On The Darkstone Dossiers

Monday, October 11, 2021

An Honour

Dr. Michael's Emporium of Wonder and Illusion: Show 3
Dr. Michael's Emporium of Wonder and Illusion: Show 3
Sunday, October 10, 2021
Thursday, October 7, 2021
Dr. Michael's One-Minute Magic Moment-MAGIC SHOPS
Magic commentary by Dr. Michael. Sometimes funny, sometimes controversial, always informative!
Dr. Michael is a Member of The Magic Circle, the Canadian Envoy for the Society of American Magicians International Assembly #272, and On-Air Host/Producer of The Canadian Magic Monthly News. He starred in his own television show for 9 years, and performed more than 250 magic-shows a year for a dozen years.
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
The Fountainhead Network - Coworking, Meeting Rooms, Podcast Studio, Fil...
Retro Tuesday: Magic Mike on The Noreen Shane Show 1990
Retro Tuesday: Magic Mike Likey on The Noreen Shane Show, 1990
Monday, October 4, 2021
Sunday, October 3, 2021
Saturday, October 2, 2021
Friday, October 1, 2021
Friday's Podcast