Curious about my alma maters? The University of Sedona and the University of Metaphysics physical address: 1785 W State Route 89A, Suite 3G, Sedona, Arizona 86336. They are a Distant Learning Institution, and mail out all books and reference material to their students. For my Bachelor's Degree, I had to pass 48 exams. Included with my Bachelor's Degree was Ordained Metaphysical Minister certification, in addition to a Practitioner's Diploma. For my Master's Degree, I had to pass 18 exams and write a Thesis consisting of minimum 6,000 words and at least 10 reference books. In order to pass the Doctoral program, I had to successfully complete (and have accepted by the administration) a 10,000 word Dissertation and have at least 12 reference books for research and reference. The dissertation (like the thesis) had to follow strict guidelines and formats, in addition to the actual content. Not satisfied with successfully passing and achieving my degrees over time, I went on to study, research, and write two more successful Dissertations, thus eventually earning two more Doctoral titles.