Monday, April 26, 2021

Series Finale Friday

 The series finale on #Friday! #drmichaelsemporiumofwonderandillusion Show 12


Monday, April 19, 2021

Metaphysics, Mysticism, and Performance Magic New Facebook Page

 If you haven't yet joined my brand-new page, "Metaphysics, Mysticism, and Performance Magic" based on my book on Amazon, as well as the upcoming web-series of the same name, (on IGTV, You Tube, and Facebook) here's the link: See you there!

This Friday

 This Friday: Show 11 of my #drmichaelsemporiumofwonderandillusion! Show 12 (the series finale) is next week!

Sunday, April 18, 2021

CMMN-April 2021

Here's the latest Edition of News. Laura London Magic, Paul Abbey, Louise Andrée Douglas, Howard Hamburg, Jay Scott Berry and Andy Clockwise are just some of the folk featured in this Edition. As usual, it features myself with my Canadian Monthly News. If you have any noteworthy items of interest please contact Anthony Darkstone Brook. Thank you.

Thursday, April 15, 2021


 Excited about my upcoming 6-part web-series, #metaphysicsmysticismandperformancemagic based on my book of the same name on #Amazon: Debuting in May!


Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Fear Not!

 Even though my web-series #DrMichaelsEmporiumOfWonderAndIllusion is coming to an end with the final few episodes, fear not...I've produced a BRAND-NEW, 6-part web-series that will be life-altering not only for magicians and performers of every ilk, but for those looking to increase the quality of their life! Curious? It will debut in May, and is based on my book on #Amazon, #MetaphysicsMysticismAndPerformanceMagic 


Monday, April 12, 2021

Back in the Day

Circa 1980, myself at #niagarafalls

Coming Up On Friday


Coming up on #Friday It's Show 10 of my #DrMichaelsEmporiumOfWonderAndIllusion featuring #Magic, magic, and more magic, #Abracadabra, the magical #QuizShow, and MORE magic!

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Back in the Day

 From #BackInTheDay my brochure 1986 Doing #illusions with #JupiterTheClown


Wednesday, April 7, 2021

On This Day

Four years ago, a magic seminar at a community centre for fledgling/aspiring young wizards! Thank-you, #lynnheinrich 

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

This Friday

 This #Friday enjoy show 9 of my #DrMichaelsEmporiumOfWonderAndIllusion Only 3 more left after this one!


Sunday, April 4, 2021

Watch For The Latest Abra TV News!

 Be sure an catch the upcoming #abratv News for the latest #magic news from around the world! I'm the Canadian Correspondent! Thank-you #AnthonyDarkstoneBrook and #TimWise